
 Back-Office Tour 

 Back-Office Instructions 

 How to Deposit Funds 

 How To Upgrade Account 

 How To Purchase Keys 

 Fast Income Strategy 

1. The very first thing to do to start your JOURNEY and start making money TODAY is: 
a) Log into your back office @ and click the “Deposit Funds” tab. If you have a “Solid Trust Pay account” and you have funds in it, use it. If not, It's highly recommend to use “Signature Life”. It’s quicker than STP and it’s INSTANTLY. Deposit a MINIMUM of $25 to purchase 5 Keys.

b) While you’re in your back office, PURCHASE a minimum of 5 keys with the funds you‘ve just deposited. Click the “Key Acquisition” tab, then click “Purchase Keys”.Chose the number of Keys you’re purchasing, click “Calculate” then click “Purchase Keys“ button. Each key costs$5

Notice: They will charge you a small fee for this transaction.
When you have purchased your Keys it means that you are
“Totally Committed to Your OWN Personal Success”

If you don’t purchase the Keys, there’s NO commitment on your part and you WILL NOT achieve the success the “COMMITTED” members WILL.
Stop kidding yourself NOW! Your members will do what you do. 
So, what is it that you want them to do?
~ Always COMMIT to YOUR success, NEVER to Your Excuses ~

c) Now you are READY to start making money. Our team goal (YOUR GOAL) is aMINIMUM of $5,000 your first week and OVER $100,000 in 60 days or LESS. And it’s very SIMPLE. All you’ll have to do is FOLLOW THE EASY STEPS BELOW. If you have any questions, contact your sponsor IMMEDIATELY. He/She is standing by to help you every step of the way. He/she can only make money IF they help YOU make money.Is this a WIN-WIN or is this a WIN-WIN? Yes, It’s a WIN-WIN!

2. Here are the steps: DO THIS NOW and DON’T STOP until you have a minimum of 4 peoplecommitted and confirmed to attend the webinar.
The more the MERRIER and the MORE money you WILL make!

Either call, text or send an email to ALL your contacts, friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers etc. sharing the preview 3 minute recorded call number and/or link (below).
DON'T pre-judge them, let them decide whether this is for them or not. 

The preview call will take ALL the pressure OFF of you. You don’t have to explain, answer questions, sell or convince anyone, EVER! Simply share the preview call number. After they listen to it, they WILL NOT ask you to explain the program or ask questions. If they do, simply tell them: This program works so well for everyone because the members DON’T have to KNOW anything. Everything is explained by a professional in under 30 minutes and besides, it's VISUAL, you need to see it for yourself.

Example Email or Text: (Simply copy/paste and send. That's it!. Don't re-invent the wheel. It's not broken. It's working just fine. Simplicity is the key. Keep it simple and you WILL win)

Email or Text #1: (3 to choose from or you can create your own)
I Will pay for 4 People to Join and Start Earning Today.
Hey_____, You’ve Got to See This…
Hey_____, $9,000 in 21 Days…You can too.
Nothing can be Easier Than This…
Start Today, Make Money Today, Get Paid TODAY.
Wow… Nothing Beats This.

--> Or Create Your Own Subject Lines.


I've just met a guy who earned over $9,000 in 21 days with ONLY a $5 one time out of pocket. I saw it with my own eyes and he will show proof to anyone that wants to see it and will show us how to do it too.

Listen to his 3 minute preview and let me know if you want to be a part of it.
I'm going to pay-it-forward for the first 4 people, you MUST hurry if you want to be one of them.

Here's the 3 min. Preview: 

Or turn up your speakers volume and… Click Here

Or click the link below:

Talk to you soon,



Email or Text #2:


You’ve got to see this… I’ve just met a guy through a friend of mine that made over $9,000 in 21 days with ONLY a $5 one time out of pocket and he is going to show us PROOF and how we can do it too!

Listen to his 3 minute preview and let me know if you want to be a part of it.
I'm going to pay-it-forward for the first 4 people, you MUST hurry if you want to be one of them.

Here's the 3 min. Preview: 

Or turn up your speakers volume and… Click Here

Or click the link below:

Talk to you soon,



Email or Text #3: 


A good friend of mine just introduced me to a guy by the name of Gee DaCosta that made over………$9,000 in just 21 days with ONLY A $5 one time out of pocket and he is going to show us PROOF and how we can do the same with NO effort on our part, other than simply sharing this number with 4 people tops!

Listen to his 3 minute preview call and let me know if you want to be a part of it.
I'm going to pay-it-forward for the first 4 people to join, you MUST hurry if you want to be one of them.

Here's the 3 min. Preview: 

Or turn up your speakers volume and … Click Here

Or click the link below:

I look forward to your replying.

Talk to you soon,



3. When they reply confirming that they want to attend the webinar, copy/paste and send them this email:

Hi_____, Here's Your Invitation.
Hi_____, Here's the Presentation Invitation You Requested
Hi_____, I’m Glad You See What I See. This is Amazing.
Hi_____, Here’s the Special Webinar Invitation. You Requested.
Hi_____, The Call/Webinar Will be at______, Please Read.
Hi_____, Info You Requested on Earning  $5,000+/one week...

--> Or Create Your Own Subject Lines.


Here's the Webinar invitation that you requested about
Earning $5,000+/First week & 100K+/60 Days...

In order to attend the webinar you need to register on the link below and be by your computer  no later than____:55 PM (E.T.).
The call starts “On Time” at the top of the hour and you don’t want to miss a thing.

Please follow these steps CAREFULLY:

1. Click link below to register. Then,
2. Click "Join Class" (green button)
3. Enter your name
5. Then, 5 minutes prior to the time scheduled, click the registration link
(below) again then, click the "Launch Class" button.
This special webinar will be at:_________(E.T.) Join no later than_____:55 OK?

Here's the Registration Link: (copy/paste appropriate webinar link @ bottom of this page here)

To refresh your memory here's the 3 min. preview again: 
Or turn up your speakers volume and … Click Here

NOTE: Please do me a big favor… Since I am only inviting 4 people to this special webinar, If for ANY reason you can not make it, would you be so kind to let me know ahead of time so I have enough time to schedule someone else to take your place? ~ Thanks ~

I look forward to seeing you at the webinar, and if you have any questions, we can chat after wards, OK?

God bless you,


3. Call your prospects 10-20 min. before the call to confirm that they are going to attend the webinar.
Tell them that you are only inviting 4 people on the call. (of course you can have more/as many as you want. There is NO Limit. The more the better. This is just to put URGENCY so they don't procrastinate and they will appreciate it later)

4. How to send the keys to your prospects, follow these steps:

a) Log into
b) Click the “Key Distribution” tab then click “Email to Non-Member”
c) Enter his/her email address and a personal note at the bottom field.

Something like this… or (just copy/paste this)Isn’t this Amazing____? This is a true PHENOMENON sweeping the globe.

When you‘re done signing up, I will send you the “Step-by-Step Blue Print to Success” This is so simple, easy and so exciting. Our goal is to earn $5,000 our first week and over $100,000 in 60 days or LESS!

People are joining like crazy. Over 730,000 people world-wide have joined in less than 90 days. It’s our turn to capitalize on it NOW!

Congratulations and welcome aboard!

God bless and here’s to our mutual success,

One X Proud Member

5. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Toward the end of the webinar, the presenter will tell them to type in the chat box "I'M IN"You'll be able to see their names with  "I'M IN" next to it. Then the presenter will tell them that YOU are sending them the key to join right then. So, send them a key. (The presenter will be closing them right on the webinar for you and the key needs to be in their inbox right at that moment so they can join right on the webinar “Live”. Pretty Cool, ha?)

The Webinars is the Life-blood of your business.

Our members love them as they will help you build your business faster than anything..

When you are on the our Team's webinars, PLEASE be active there... When I ask the question WHO is IN?
Everyone MUST type "I'M IN" including YOU. When your guests see that everyone in IN, they get motivated to JOIN you. IF they see that just a few people said I'M IN, but you are NOT, what do you think they're going to do?... They will NOT be IN either. They will NOT join you. ~ Like Attracts Like ~

Everyone NEEDS to be EXCITED... Excitement sells BIG TIME. This is an EXCITING business. 
So, be what you want others to be... ~ Be Do Have ~

At the end of the webinars, ALWAYS and ALWAYS, end it on a POSITIVE note.
Type in the chat box something like, I'M EXCITED! Whoohoo! Let's rock'n'roll or Good night everyone, ANYTHING... It will make you and everyone else feel good. Trust me!
My goal is to SIGN THEM UP for you and RIGHT ON THE WEBINAR, and for that I need your HELP!

7. Scroll down to the bottom of this blog and POST a positive comment and also at the top right of this blog click the "Join this site" and ADD your picture, so your team knows that you are active and they are drawn to do the same. 

Thank you, Welcome Aboard and Lets go Change some Lives!

DISCLAIMER: The numbers and figures used on this blog are for illustration purposes ONLY and by all means are not a guarantee of income. You can make more or you can make less, if any. Individual results always vary.